When You Have Nothing More To Give
Have you ever felt like you have nothing more to give
that you have given it all already
and all your strength have been used up?
You want to stop,
but you cannot stop,
for the world expects so much from you.
There are things to be done
urgent things to be addressed,
and you’re the only one who has to do everything,
everything except to find someone else
to lend you a hand.
Where do you find the strength to carry on?
Where is God when you need Him the most?
For how long must He wait and not answer?
For how long must He watch and remain unmoved?
In prayer I lift up my hands and ask
I ask for help from the only place where it could be found
O, be not long in your response to me,
do not delay,
for you are my only hope.
Rise up and save me from the wicked,
from people that mock me from my fall.
Be the strength I need when I have nothing more,
come be my light
and see me through the darkest night of all.