As I make my way to office each day, I notice how people seem to be so hurried trying to fetch a cab or make it aboard the train. It’s funny at times coz you rarely see people look back or look up. People only move straight on, not noticing anything else but the one thing on their mind, which more often than not, is just to be able to get that ride to work. I feel weird when I sometimes stop and look up at the wonderful morning sky or when Ilook back and see the nice view of the city.
I wish people can set aside allowances to their activities rather than always being in such a hurry, never having any minute to lose even if just to be able to breathe, to smile, or to be more patient in waiting in line for the next bus to arrive.
2 replies on “Hurried world”
Recently I went to Berlin for the weekend. I left early Friday afternoon, so that I could take some extra time to stop off in Hamburg and look at an art exhibit before traveling on. I was just enjoying the journey as it were, no rush, while all those around me were rushing by on their way to their weekends. Like you, it struck me how everyone was looking forward, while actually the weekend had already come and there wasn’t any reason to rush until Monday.
Thanks for dropping by and having the time to browse over 🙂 it’s really nice when people have the time to connect with one another. It must be lovely living in Germany, hope to be able to get there too one day.