what would you do

What Would You Do In 1,000 Years?


If we could have 1,000 years to live, maybe we wouldn’t be in such a rush now, don’t you think so?

Let’s admit it. At one time or another, we wished to live forever, to have all the time we need in order to do everything we wanted to do. Forever seems too long for our imagination, so why not visualize a thousand years instead?

Given a thousand years to live, what would you do? What difference would it make? To be able to live for more than ten generations and see your great great great grandson, wouldn’t it be amazing to play pretend once in a while?

If I were to live for 1,000 years myself, I’ll probably do the following:

  1. I’d still continue blogging and document what adventures a person can go through in 1,000 years.

  2. I’d continue to strive to have enough passive income to free my time (as if I don’t have enough, haha), and not waste 1,000 years just trying to earn a living.

  3. I’d get rich enough to spend on my travels and further studies.

  4. I’d travel the world with my loved ones.

  5. I’d study arts and music.

  6. I’d learn to cook and make the most tasty mouth-watering dishes.

  7. I’d learn some sports.

  8. I’d discover the wonders of the human mind and teach others what I’ve learned.

  9. I’d probably be a healer.

  10. I’d love like I’ve never loved before.

  11. I’d do what I can to make this world a better place before journeying forth to the next!

Just in case you’re wondering why I’ve listed 11 things instead of the usual 10, I have only 1 alibi. I’d live for 1,000 years, wouldn’t I? 🙂

I’ve asked this same question in my network and one reply really got my attention. The person said that given 1,000 years to live, what he wants to do is to look for another person who can live 1,000 years just like him! I liked that answer, nobody would want to be lonely for that long, certainly. How about you? Given 1,000 years to live, what would you do?