
What is Love to a Hyper-Sensitive Person?

What is love to a hypersensitive person? What will this marvelous, unfathomable, incomprehensible, and unpredictable emotion do to a person whose vulnerability almost mimics that of a bare soul, stripped of all the protective shells of the physical; hurt with the slightest blowing of the wind; elated by the faintest glowing of the stars?

What could love do? What could love be? Can it be contained? Can it be grasped? Can it be lived at all at conditions most humans would call as normal?

To a person much more sensitive than most, to one whose normal solitary life is already like that of a passionate lover, love, the only love most people know as love will test whatever the heavens have set as limits for such a human soul on earth.

Only one thing is definite. Such a love would ignite an explosion. And only a miracle can guarantee the salvation of the soul!