
When I Asked for a Rose – Looking Back


Happy Valentines Everyone!  🙂  Today, I would like to bring back one of my most loved articles titled “When I Asked for a Rose”. I hope you have a romantic day, enjoy reading:

When I Asked for a Rose

It was January 31, 2000, and Valentines Day seem so near. I was praying to God when I suddenly felt so sad. I felt so lonely. I knew that dreaded day would soon be coming when girls would soon be receiving flowers from their special someone, when they would all go about proudly carrying those flowers, certain of the sincere love of those that offered them. I haven’t got any lover though. So no flowers for me, no bouquet, not even a single red rose.

It was kinda embarassing, but I knew the Lord knew my heart and there was no point in hiding anything. I remained true to my feelings, and I asked God for something I’ve never asked before. I’ve asked Him to send me a rose, just one. I don’t know how it could possibly happen, but I prayed, like a daughter asking something from her dear father. I prayed for a single red rose. I prayed for a small expression of love, a small sign that I am loved, and that I am special as well.

It was a heartfelt prayer, though I never really thought much of it the day after. I guess it was enough for me that I uttered it, and that the Lord heard me. It was already upon God’s hands whether to grant the prayer of silly girls like me.  CLICK here to Continue


Allowing Love…

As I proceed with my 21 days of consciously improving my relationship to myself, of loving myself so I could later on love others more, I became aware of one reason that causes many of our heartaches.

I’ve realized that we are not allowing love in our lives, and for that reason, we are so often lacking in love.  This is however not a conscious choice, but a subconscious response that we do, and unaware of what we do, we are in truth blocking the inward flow of love into our lives.  How so?

By virtue of expectations. By experience or lessons taught us by other people, we have developed certain expectations on how we should be loved.  And if these expectations are not met, we immediately conclude that we are not loved.

But the truth is that we may be loved.  Maybe not in ways we wanted to.  Not in ways we’ve learned or were taught us, but in ways that person knew best how to love.

The same is true as regards allowing God’s love into our lives.  We have certain expectations.  A lot of expectations!  God should do this.  God should be that.  He is All-Powerful and All-Knowing isn’t He?  So He should do this if He loves me.

But what if He doesn’t do exactly what we want Him to do?  Does it mean He doesn’t love us?  But how can we measure His love in the first place?  Are we All-Knowing as He is?

Because of our expectations, we block so much love that should have flowed into our lives.  If we desire to love ourselves more, let us be kinder to ourselves.  Let us allow more love to flow in our hearts.

And if a person expresses love differently, say he is able to show more in deeds than in words, let us extend our understanding and our appreciation.  We are loved! And that’s what really counts  🙂


Loving Yourself


I’ve noticed that the quality of my relationships improved in proportion to the improvement of my relationship to myself. Indeed, it has drastically increased throughout these years. Even the quality of my suitors improved! 🙂

I guess that’s one of our main problems, or should I say, the source of many of our problems and frustrations. The inability to love ourselves enough. And more often than not, whenever we fail to do so, we play the blame game with everyone. We blame our boyfriends, we blame our best friends, we blame our parents, we blame the country, we even blame our dog! And that blame game would certainly lead us nowhere. It certainly wouldn’t lead us to better relationships with other people.

I have just browsed over the book, “If Love is a Game, These Are the Rules.” It spoke of the same thing. That if we expect to be loved, if we expect to be special, we should learn to love ourselves first and treat ourselves as special. People respond only to how we treat ourselves. If we believe we are not important, guess how they would treat us?

The book also mentioned that treating ourselves special is a habit that has to be formed, and habits are usually formed by repetition, usually in a matter of 21 days.

Today I begin that day. I’ve been more conscious on the way I treat myself, even in small things. For instance, I usually don’t mind the heat of the sun damaging my skin and drying my hair. Now I’ve used an umbrella and protected myself, the way I wish my boyfriend would have done so if he were here. I also treated myself to good lunch, bought make-up that I liked and even chose the best seat in a cafe. Hmm… was not as easy as I thought. But practice makes perfect they say. And how could we expect others to do these things for us when we couldn’t care doing it for ourselves?

I guess I just have to carry on for the next 20 days. If you think you could also benefit from this, why don’t you begin today as well? 🙂



What is Love to a Hyper-Sensitive Person?

What is love to a hypersensitive person? What will this marvelous, unfathomable, incomprehensible, and unpredictable emotion do to a person whose vulnerability almost mimics that of a bare soul, stripped of all the protective shells of the physical; hurt with the slightest blowing of the wind; elated by the faintest glowing of the stars?

What could love do? What could love be? Can it be contained? Can it be grasped? Can it be lived at all at conditions most humans would call as normal?

To a person much more sensitive than most, to one whose normal solitary life is already like that of a passionate lover, love, the only love most people know as love will test whatever the heavens have set as limits for such a human soul on earth.

Only one thing is definite. Such a love would ignite an explosion. And only a miracle can guarantee the salvation of the soul!


Not Meant for Each Other

Not Meant For Each Other

Kindness and being good are indeed good traits, yet these are not the only things we look for in a person.

Not being meant for each other doesn’t mean that one has become less, but that there are greater options that can still be worked out.

To turn down a person is not to judge him, but to believe that there is yet another who is truly meant for him and for you.