
Unblocking your flow

Much had been said already urging us to discover our desires, pursue our interests, nourish our gifts, follow the passions God has given us.   Find your flow – that is the way to succeed and live a fulfilling life.  We then have a pretty picture in our minds of that day when we need not do our boring jobs anymore, and when we shall find abundance pouring in in ways we could never have imagined.   We feel the excitement pulsing in our veins, finally doing what we’re all supposed to do, living the glorious destiny to which we have been born into.


Then all of a sudden, we find ourselves living just the opposite life we dreamed.  We find ourselves in a rut, a deadend, or a yellow light that has kept us waiting longer than we have expected for us to realize the vision that has been given us.   What went wrong?  What sin have we committed for us to deserve this kind of punishment that has fallen upon us like a thief in the night stealing our dreams and the life that has been promised of us?

Scary experience

I had a rather scary experience today, really shook my nerves and drained my already thin layer of energy that resulted from burnout at work.

Yeah, had been robbed at the very start of the day, my mobile phone which I only had for three months lost in an instant. Worse, to be scared of nearing death almost at gunpoint, well, sort of, not really a gun, but a very long knife-like instrument that would hardly miss my vital organs in a single blow. Whew! Surely wouldn’t risk that. I gave him the phone without qualms, thankful I’m still alive at this moment, able to write this blog and share my experience with you.

And what did I learn in the process?


Parting with my beloved cup

Today is the day I have decided to part with my beloved cup of coffee.  I almost couldn’t believe it myself!  🙁  Coffee has served me well in the past, kept me cozy in rainy days, given me a boost in my thinking and helped me in moments I desired inspiration so I can write.  Sad to say, even the most beautiful things must come to an end at times to give way to more beautiful things.

  • I am looking forward to days where I won’t need to depend on it anymore just so I could think well.
  • I am looking forward to early mornings I can rise early and easily, revitalized and without a bit of drowsiness that would require me to drink cup after cup of java from day to day.
  • I am looking forward to deep slumber and vivid dreams when caffeine would no longer interfere me in my sleep.
  • I am looking forward to gaining balance and wholeness, of more stable moods and less outbursts of temper.
  • I am looking forward to more calcium being absorbed by my body.
  • I am looking forward to less heart palpitations and more deep breaths.
  • I am looking forward to more body fluids and lesser allergy attacks.
  • I am looking forward to less bodily temperature inconveniences as coffee makes my body hotter in an already tropical country I’m living in.

Thank you coffee for everything! Wish me luck as I find a better way  🙂


What I learned

Having just celebrated my birthday, I would like to take down some of the things I’ve learned in life.

1. I learned that growth is a continuous process, and that the process usually means undergoing some sort of struggle, pain or difficulty.

2. I learned that though the process of growing is usually difficult and involves some kind of sorrow or pruning, the result is always towards greater happiness and empowerment.

3. I learned that one of man’s greatest need is to be loved, and one of the greatest hindrance to being loved is our inability or lack of willingness to understand one another.

4. I learned that many times, it really doesn’t take much to make people happy. A single rose could make someone’s day just as much as a million dollars can.

5. I learned that the greatest enemy we should conquer is our very selves. If we can face our shadows and our fears, we can face everything else.

6. I learned that however happy we are in the life we’re living, we should always have a dream.

7. I learned that there are times when our love for another person is that which inspires us to love ourselves more.

8. I learned that no matter how hard I try, I cannot cause the night to end any sooner. On the other hand, even if I do nothing, the morning will surely come to give me a brand new day.

9. I learned that no matter how my friends and I try to think my problems through, there are problems that won’t immediately go away, and all we can do is to wait and weather the storm through.

10. I learned that if there is one thing we should strive to build, it is a home right within our hearts; a home that we can always take with us wherever we may go, a home that nobody can ever take away.

Best Life Quotes


I got very stressed yesterday.  I was utterly down, and I guess I wanted to be down.  I wanted to know what will happen when I’m down. Will somebody lift me up? Will somebody make me laugh and distract me from my woes?  I knew I acted childishly, and I just let anger consume me to the point that I really cried.  Well, crying helped somehow, but it didn’t help me much to get over my “downness”.  I was sad that when I start behaving like this, and when I’m not my “responsible” self anymore, no one seems to take on the role of being responsible for me.  No one seems to notice where I’m spiralling downwards into. But I guess that’s really what it is, a spiral downwards.  Anger, fear, negativism, they magnify each moment you let them in, and the more you entertain them, the harder it is to float back into the surface and breathe.

Yet for what it’s worth, I’ve realized God didn’t really let me down at all. For in the evening, my sisters and I had a nice chat and even made some really good laughs. And this morning, I came across a very positive website which enlightened me and reminded me of the right way to go.  It’s like God saying, I love you. I don’t want to see you down. You are never alone.