Another day at the office


I don’t feel so good today. Sometimes I feel so cold working within the confines of these tall buildings.  Our building is not that tall. Still it feels so cold and empty, as though I’m an invisible ghost roaming around its rooms.  My friend here seems to be resigning soon, and that makes it all the worse.  With no one to bring some warmth into your monotonous days, what is there to look forward to everyday that you drag your feet to the office to earn something for a living?


What can I give?

What can I give to the person who gazed with me the sky, the sea and the morning? Who ran with me, and chased with me the wind that rushed against my cheeks? Who walked side by side with me, and held my hand in warmth, reassuring me that I am not alone?

Who dreamt with me and believed with me, that dreams do come true and are oftentimes just within your reach? Who talked to me her all – her love, her life, her soul? Who listened to me as I poured out everything my heart and mind can ever say?

Who sang with me and danced with me and prayed with me? Who praised and worshipped with my spirit the Great One that created it and blessed it with another so reflective of His love? Who ate with me and slept with me when this tired body can take no more? Who wept with me and rejoiced with me? Who argued with me and reasoned with me? Who learned with me what life is really all about?
Truly, I can never give enough to such a person, in the same way that I can never really thank Him enough who gave me such a friend.

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My Beloved Friend

I call her my beloved friend.Her mere presence brings me such great happiness, and there is nothing more comforting than knowing there is somebody whom I can share life with – life in all its beauty and excitement.

She makes me dream once more, like when I was a child, and she propels me to go on and grow whenever I become too complacent from where I stand. She opens my eyes to the challenges of life, and brings me to a new beginning each day, like a breeze which can’t help but bring a new freshness to my heart.

She deals with me in such a way that I am her equal, nothing more or less. And she gives me the chance to care for someone, to love another soul so much that I know I have loved another just as much as I have cared for my own self. I find in her a vessel with which to pour out all the goodness in my being, such kind of goodness that cannot be contained. For who can contain love in one’s heart alone? And who is not redeemed by allowing that love to flow into another? Into the heart of a beloved friend?

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I Call Her Peace

I call her peace: the tranquility my soul receives each time I come into her presence, seeking refuge from the raging storms around me; a reflection of my more refined self, my silent self, which has already learned to master her quietness, and which has learned to accept who and what she is, and be thankful for all the things she has. I see in her contentment and uniqueness, a uniqueness that is not ashamed to stand unbowed amidst the ways of the world. And when everything else is confusion, I find much relief and blessing in a spirit that sees all things as simple. How easier it is indeed to go back to the basics of life and appreciate once more what is essential – trust and faith and hope and love. Surely, this spirit is me, stripped of all my uncertainties and wanderings.