Heaven On Earth

All We Have Are Glimpses of HEAVEN

all we have are glimpses of heaven 2012All We Have Are Glimpses of Heaven

What is heaven like? If you’ve ever been in love, you’d have known the feeling, the bliss. You’d have known magic, you’d have trusted eternity. For a few seconds of your life, God has allowed you to catch a glimpse of heaven, and secretly you wished it could never end.

How marvelous to always feel in love! How blessed to always have your beloved with you, never ever to part, never ever to lose the love you’ve found.

If such a bliss could really last, would you ever look for anything more? Would the word boredom mean anything to you at all? Surely not. You could hold each other’s hands for all eternity and it would still seem like the very first day you’ve met. Time is not for those who love, for the only time there could ever be is the present moment. Such is heaven. Such is perfection. Such is the full blessedness of love.

(See “The Inspirer’s View of Heaven”)

Here on earth however, all we could hope for are glimpses of heaven that God sends our way now and then. A kiss. A warm embrace. A young baby to hold in your arms. A few rays of light come our way, and then comes the evening and we need to rest, or then comes time to work and we need to leave the hands that touched our hearts.

Even if we be allowed to live a thousand years on earth, we would still long for heaven, for it is not the length of our stay here that rewards us, but the love we wish to carry forever in our souls.

(See “To Live Forever”)

The shortness of our days on earth is a blessing, for if it be too long, we may not be able to bear it, not with the present state of our physical frailty nor with the woundedness of our souls.

There is a heaven that awaits us, and for now we are blessed with glimpses of its glory to give us hope.

(See “A Little Piece of Heaven”)

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By Jocelyn Soriano

See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.

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