He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
-Psalm 23
If my soul has one true desire, it is to be in Your presence Lord, to see your face, and to remain always upon Your loving arms.
I know what they say
About moving on
About the way of life
And how time flies
I know there is much to do
But may I linger here awhile?
I know how things
Must come and go
How we must do
What we can do
To carry on
I know how all things change
But may I linger here awhile?
Let me linger for a while
Here where time stands still
And there is just you and I,
Where the sun begins to rise
As we walk along the shore
Where the breeze is gentle
And where the waves are kind.
Let me linger here with you
Where all is pure and rare
Where we need not hurry
Where we need not worry
Where we can let all
the beautiful things in
and leave all the shadows behind.
Let us linger here while we can
Let us etch this moment
Until it can never be erased.
For here is where I see
Here is where I live
Here is where I have you
And you have all of me.