If you return and be quiet, you shall be saved: in silence and in hope shall your strength be. – Isaiah 30:15 (DRB)
It is not always in doing something that we advance. It is not always in fretting about that we gain victory.
Many times, what we really need is a place to rest and to be still, and in that stillness, to gain the strength we need.
We can’t win by always focusing on our troubles and seeing how big and terrible they are. We need to see hope. We need to see how God is bigger than all the problems that trouble us.
In that place of rest, we begin to see light again. We are able to focus more on our source of strength and thereby gain courage to face the challenges coming our way.
We need to see God’s beauty and might, His majesty and His mercy. We need to be assured that everything will certainly work out in the end because we have a God who can be trusted, a God of justice and of love.
We are not alone. Though we falter, we can rise again. Though we fear, we can renew our courage. We need only to rest awhile and in that rest, find our hope again.
All shall be well, all shall be well… For there is a Force of love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go. – St. Julian of Norwich