When people talk about following their passion, they talk as though it were the easiest thing to do in the world, as though it were a mere hobby to pursue in your spare time. They talk as if anybody could do it and you’re just being lazy or stubborn when you’re not able to do it as so many others have done before. Is it really that easy to follow your heart? What do you mean by following your passion?
Following Your Freedom
Following your passion is following the way of freedom. It is detaching yourself from your usual routine, even from your comfort zone to seek what you have never sought before.
For many people, passion is still a very remote place and idea. Years of following the dictates of peers and obligation have buried that passion they so long to find. What they need is the freedom to look for it again. For some it means having enough time to explore. For others it means having enough money to study again. We can’t follow our passion unless we’re free enough to do so.
Following Your Greatest Hunger
Following your passion is following your greatest hunger. It is following your greatest pain. What is it that most wounded you? What is it that crushed your heart and brought you to tears? Passion is not mere fondness. It is hunger, a deep hunger that aches. Passionate people are enthusiastic because by pursuing their passion, they are able to fill that hunger, and they are able to comfort their pain.
Following Your Suffering
Following your passion is following the way of suffering. Why? Because passion desires only one thing, it desires your greatest joy, even to the point of suffering! Passion isn’t about compromise. Passion isn’t about trying and then quitting later on if you find a hard time. Passion is knowing the only thing that could ever satisfy you and give you the most joy, and for that thing, you are willing to give up even your own life.

9 replies on “What Do You Mean by Following Your Passion?”
My passion is love and writing poetry. Nothing gets in the way of that. Thought-provoking words indeed. Thanks for sharing & visiting. Hope you’ll stop by again soon!
Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn…
Thanks, Andy! We share a similar passion in respect to writing and poetry, I will definitely get in touch again 🙂 I’m just having some quiet time this week for Lent reflection.
I’m not sure I agree that following your passion is the path of suffering. Even though I don’t ever have as much time as I want for my passion (writing and other creative things), I’m pretty happy knowing I’m making time to pursue it. I don’t equate hard work and long days with suffering.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again soon. 🙂
Hope to be there again, too! After this week I will definitely get in touch again with you all. I’m happy to know you’re making time for your passion and pursuing it. It’s not only about suffering, it’s about your purest joy! =)
[…] What Do You Mean by Following Your Passion? (itakeoffthemask.com) […]
Recognizing your passions in life are only half of the battle. Acting on them and actually accomplishing your goals is the other half. It’s not easy, by any stretch of the imagination, but without having something in life that one can be passionate about leaves for a pretty boring lifestyle, don’t you think? I have so many things that I am truly passionate about, so I have to prioritize each one. I live life to the fullest, each and every minute. Every heartache is a lesson I learn from and gain experience.
We do have to act on our passion so we could fulfill the true desires of our hearts. 🙂
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