Poems Words of Wisdom

When I Can’t Find The Way


When I Can’t Find the Way

Being lost.
Having walked so long
Yet never finding what you’re
Supposed to be looking for.
Knocking on doors
But none of them leading anywhere
Or worse
Knocking on doors
That are locked
And never finding the key
Trying again and again
And failing.
Hoping over and over
Only to be disappointed.
Where is my escape?
Wanting to run
But cannot even find the way.
Wanting to see the light
Yet all I see is darkness.
Can you even see the darkness?
Where is hope then in such a place?
When I have tried with all my very best
And with all the strength I have in me,
There is only one way out that’s left
And only God’s fingers can point the way.
How do I see His fingers in the dark?
Can I even know He is there?
When I cannot see,
What I can do is believe –
Believe that He is there
Seeing me
Guiding me
Protecting me
I don’t need to see
I just have to trust that HE sees me
And because He sees with love
He will keep me
Under the shadow of His wings.

“When you have nothing left but God, you have more than enough to start over again.” – Mother Teresa

I said, “I have worked, but how hopeless it is!
I have used up my strength, but have accomplished nothing.”
Yet I can trust the Lord to defend my cause;
he will reward me for what I do.
-Isaiah 49:4, GNT

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Check Jocelyn's books:

"Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief", "Mend My Broken Heart", "Questions to God", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", and more - click here.

(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website

By Jocelyn Soriano

See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.

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(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website

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