And when I go far away,
Don’t look for me in the stars.
Don’t go out looking at night,
for you won’t find in them my eyes.
When I go far away,
Don’t look for me in the snow,
Don’t go out looking when winter comes,
For my love for you, they can never show.
When I go far away,
I won’t tell you to wait.
But if you can have faith,
Hear what I’m going to say:
I will return one day,
when the snow is falling
on a starlit night…
I will be back to see you,
and hold you tight!
And it’ll be alright.
You can forget me
while I’m gone,
But you can also choose
to remember,
our forever.
And when that day comes,
it’s as though I was never gone.
You can look into my eyes
and see how I kept you in my soul,
You can reach out for my hands
and feel how love has kept me strong,
even when all that was left of me,
were unseen shadows
that walked upon the snow.
You may also want to read:
Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief
(buy the book on Amazon and other digital stores)

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