
The World is Unfair

the world is unfairThere are times when I feel like the world is unfair.

Why is it that there are children who are born to very rich families and provided with more than they could ever need while there are children who are born in poverty with mothers who could hardly feed them?

Why is it that there are children who are so loved and taken care of while there are children who are sexually molested and abused by their own parents?

Why is it that there children who are so fortunate to be able to study in exclusive schools while there are those who couldn’t even go to school because they needed to work, to find some junk in heaps of garbage just to help their family?

Why is it that there are children who could enjoy their childhood and be happy playing with other children while there are those who have disabilities or who are already sick and dying of cancer?

And all along, people tell us to be happy, as though there is nothing wrong in all the world, and as though everything is fair and just.

There is injustice everywhere.  There is lack of love everywhere.  And even if people declare peace, there is really violence and evil.

The world is unfair.  But I guess we can only say that if we believe in ‘fairness’ and ‘justice’, if we believe in God.  And if we do, we don’t believe that this world is all there is.  There will be a time for fairness and for justice.  There will be another world far better than this dark one we’re living in.  For now, we have the opportunity to be true instruments of peace.

“Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss. Truth will spring from the earth; justice will look down from heaven.”– Psalm 85:11-12, NABRE


Revelations of Saint Bridget – Part 1

saint birgitta of swedenI saw a throne in heaven on which sat the Lord Jesus Christ as Judge. At his feet sat the Virgin Mary. Surrounding the throne was a host of angels and a countless multitude of saints. A certain monk, a great scholar of theology, stood high up on a rung of a ladder that was fixed in the earth and whose top reached up to heaven. With an impatient and agitated bearing, as though full of wickedness and guile, he put questions to the Judge:

First question. “O Judge, I ask you: You gave me a mouth. May I not say what I please?”

Second question. “You gave me eyes. May I not look at what I like with them?”

Third question. “You gave me ears. Why should I not listen to what I please with them?”

Fourth question. “You gave me hands. Why should I not do what I want with them?”

Fifth question. “You gave me feet. Why should I not walk where I wish with them?”

Christ’s answer to the first question. Seated on the throne, the Judge, whose bearing was meek and gentle, answered him, saying: “Friend, I gave you a mouth in order rationally to speak words beneficial to your soul and body as well as words for my glory.”

Answer to the second question. “Second, I gave you eyes that you might see the evils you must flee and the healthful things you must preserve.”

Answer to the third question. “Third, I gave you ears that you might hear that which pertains to truth and goodness.”

Answer to the fourth question. “Fourth, I gave you hands that you might use them to do that which is necessary for the body but not harmful for the soul.”

Answer to the fifth question. “Fifth, I gave you feet that you might leave behind the love of the world and go toward your soul’s rest and love and toward me, your Creator and Redeemer.”

Poems Spirituality Words of Wisdom

If I Could Have My Way

if I could have my way poem
Photo via flickr – slack12

If I Could Have My Way

If I could have my way, I’d be rich
I wouldn’t need to work anymore,
I’d have people working for me,
I’d be comfortable,
I’d buy the most beautiful house,
I’d travel to the most beautiful places.

But if I could have my way,
I wouldn’t know how it is to be poor,
I wouldn’t have as much compassion
for those who hunger,
for those who work hard,
for those who couldn’t even find
some roof above their heads
when the rain starts to pour.

If I could have my way,
I wouldn’t know how it is to be hurt,
I’d protect my heart all the way,
and give it to no one else.
I wouldn’t be vulnerable,
I wouldn’t cry,
I wouldn’t have sleepless nights
when my heart is broken
and my soul torn apart.

But if I could have my way,
I wouldn’t know how to suffer,
I wouldn’t know how to grieve
with those who mourn.
I would have lived a painless life,
but I would have lived empty
and without love.
I would have never known
how to comfort those who are broken.
I would never known
how to be comforted and healed.

There are many times in our lives, when we wonder what could happen, if we could have our way. Maybe some of us would wish never to grow up anymore and to be eternally young. We’d like to stay as innocent and beautiful children who have no worries to think about. Some of us wouldn’t want to get sick. We’d prefer to be always healthy and strong, never needing anyone to help us when we’re weak.

If we could have our way, we’d have so many things in our favour, but we’d also lose a lot of things that are given us in our present situation.

Nobody wants to experience hunger, to get sick, to grow old or to be broken. These are not things we would naturally seek. These are after all, the result of our parents’ sin when they fell from paradise long ago.

But God, in His wisdom, instead of merely eradicating such things, have chosen to bring even something better out of them.

God would not allow such great sufferings without being able to replace them with far greater joys!

Yes, it is good to remain as an innocent child. It is good to be exempt from pain. It is good never to have experienced sickness or death.

But there is wisdom in an older person that a child could never have. There is greater compassion in one who knew pain. There is a deeper happiness in one who got healed, and in one who is brought back to life.

Light that is untouched by darkness is good. But a Light that can be brought forth out of much darkness is a Light that could never be extinguished by any night, for in that Light, no evil could ever prevail.

“No longer is there death that cannot bring life, pain that cannot generate fullness, sadness that we cannot convert into profound joy.” – Surviving Depression


We Have a Right to Feel Hurt and Angry

we have a right to feel hurt and angryWe Have a Right to Feel Hurt and Angry

“Forgiveness begins with acknowledging that we are people who have a right to be treated with respect.  Forgiveness does not require denying that we have been hurt.  On the contrary, to forgive we have to admit that we have been hurt and that we have a right to feel hurt, angry, or resentful.”

-Forgiveness Is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope (APA Lifetools)

Many good people have often been burdened with guilt because they felt angry or resentful towards another person who did them harm.  This is especially true for Christians who admonish the value of forgiveness.  To us, it is a command from God that we are obliged to do.  Obliged.  I don’t like that word very much.  It’s like we are being “forced” to do something we don’t really like, something we can’t really understand and won’t result to our good anyway.

But is that true?  Through the years, I have learned that God doesn’t just give us commands out of whim, but out of deep concern for our own good.  It is out of compassion that He gave us His commandments, not out of dictatorship.

When God therefore admonished us to forgive, it is for our own good.  But this kind of forgiveness is not the mechanical pardon we give to let people off the hook.  Forgiveness is a process, and it starts with acknowledging our own God-given rights like our right to be respected.

We have a right to be treated with respect

Forgiveness starts by acknowledging our right for respect.  What is respect?  In my article “Why Is Respect Important in a Relationship?” I mentioned:

 “To be respected is…to be valued as a person, and for our needs to be taken into consideration, especially those needs accorded to our dignity as human beings.”

When our rights are not being respected, we need to protect ourselves.  We need not stay as helpless victims if we could do something to keep ourselves from further harm.

Following are some of the signs that we are no longer being respected:

  • When we’re not being recognized
  • When we’re not being allowed to be ourselves
  • When our needs are taken for granted
  • When we are judged and underestimated
  • When we are forced or threatened
  • When we’re not listened to when we have something to say
  • When we’re treated as objects for use rather than as persons to be valued and loved

We have a right to feel hurt and angry

When our rights and our needs are not being met, we naturally have a right to feel hurt and angry.  These feelings are signals that something is wrong, and that we have to do something to make things right again.   God has enabled these feelings to work for our good so we could know we are already being harmed.  Such harm does not only refer to physical danger but also to deep emotional wounds that may have a lasting impact in our lives.

Our hurts could be alerting us that someone is already violating our personal boundaries and we are already being manipulated.  Our hurts could also be signals that a person no longer loves us, but is only using us for his ego or other needs.

Anger on the other hand is usually more intense as the violations we suffer may be greater or may need immediate attention.

God loves us. His command to “love others as we love ourselves” imply that we first know HOW to love and take care of ourselves.  We are not outside of His mercies and His forgiveness.

We can choose to let go of our hurt and our anger

Once we understand why we are feeling hurt or angry, we are now in a better position to forgive.  Why?  We can now forgive because we know we already have a CHOICE.

We can choose to continue feeling angry and resentful, or we can choose to let go of those feelings.  We are no longer obliged or forced to do so.  We know we are not being told to forget it all and forget about our rights.  We know we have a right to be respected, and once we are violated, we have a right to feel bad about it so we could do something to save ourselves from harm.

Now that we understand all these things, we can choose to feel bad about it, or we can choose to take up measures that will improve our situation.

Are you being manipulated by guilt? You can now detach yourself from being controlled and re-claim your freedom over your own actions.

Are you being pushed down so that other people can step over you? You can now create a considerable distance from those people who intend only to use you for their own selfish reasons.

Are you being verbally or physically abused in a relationship that doesn’t serve you well?  You can now walk away and find healing.  You can learn to love yourself again.

We have a right to feel hurt and angry.  But once we already understand the situation, we are not obliged to punish ourselves by continuing to feel that way day after day after day.  What we want is relief, healing and control over our own lives again.  Claim your freedom and choose to let go of all things that do not serve you well.

Related Posts:

The Path to Forgiveness as the Path to Freedom
Be Less Angry, Be More Powerful


Will You Choose to Escape or Will You Choose to Love More?

will you choose to escape or love moreWill You Choose to Escape or Will You Choose to Love More?

“Faced with today’s problems and disappointments, many people will try to escape from their responsibility. Escape in selfishness, escape in sexual pleasure, escape in drugs, escape in violence, escape in indifference and cynical attitudes. I propose to you the option of love, which is the opposite of escape.” – Pope John Paul II

Escape is always an option.  Love is another.  But why is it that when faced with difficult struggles, we often choose to escape instead of choosing to love more?

Why do we choose to escape?

I have chosen the first path many times.  It is not so much as being the easier path, but it seemed the natural path we fall into when we fall apart from our weaknesses.  Whenever our strength runs out and our hope fades, we cling on to the closest things we could hold on to just to get by, or at least, to numb away the emptiness we feel inside.  These things are our means of escape, though eventually, they become shackles that bind us to lives we don’t really want.

Anyone who breaks off friendship with Jesus, casting off his “easy yoke”, does not maintain liberty, does not become free, but succumbs to other powers. – Pope Benedict XVI

When we try to escape, we also leave behind the things that truly matter to us.

What is it that we really want?  Deep within us, we know the answer.  Deep within us, we know that we aspire for the best things.  We want the good, the pure and the beautiful.  We desire meaningful lives that enable us to grow into better persons inside and out.

Somewhere along the way though, a disappointment robs us of our ideals.  It’s like we can’t believe anymore that we can have those things.

When we escape, we settle for second best

When we think we can’t have the best things, the authentic desires of our heart, we learn to settle for the second best.  And these things are just often that, “things” we could “possess”.  We then learn to exchange things for people, possessions for relationships and pleasure for true happiness.

“There is within the human heart a tough fibrous root of fallen life whose nature is to possess, always to possess.  It covets ‘things’ with a deep and fierce passion.”

-The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer

We become addicted to possessions because we fool ourselves into believing that they could satisfy our desires within.  Even if we feel that they couldn’t fully do so, we fool ourselves again by trying to have more, much more, and this cycle never ends.

When we choose the path of love

How different it would have been had we only chosen love and stood up for it no matter the struggles and the challenges.  By choosing the path of love, we are not assured of a bed of roses, but then we could be certain that we’re not filling the empty spaces in our hearts with lesser gods and lesser things.  We can be certain that we’d have the chance to get what we truly want.  We could have meaningful lives.  We could live fully and our joy would be complete!

How do we choose love?

We choose love when we stay true to who we are and what we really want.  We choose love when we start acting out of compassion and joy, not out of our fears, not even out of obligation.

When a relationship undergoes a crisis, but we still hold on and try to fix things instead of walking away, we choose love.

When we’re trying to reach a dream, and we encounter oppositions, criticisms and challenges along the way but we choose to focus on that dream and not be disheartened, we choose love.

When a loved one gets sick, and we hurt so much seeing them that way, but we still choose to take care of them and serve them, we choose love.

When your husband leaves you, and you’re left all alone to take care of your children, and you don’t know where your next meal would be coming from, but you keep on praying, and you keep on knocking on every door for food and a job, you choose love.

Choose love. It’s a decision you’ll never regret.

Love is a great thing
greatest of all goods because it renders light every burden
and bears equally all that is unequal.
Because it carries a burden without feeling it,
and renders sweet and pleasing every bitterness.

Nothing is sweeter than Love,
nothing stronger, nothing higher, nothing more sublime
nothing more expansive, nothing more joyful, nothing more abundant
nothing more pleasing in Heaven or on earth
because love is born of God,
nor it can rest upon created things, but only in God.

Love often knows no measure,
but burns beyond all measure.
Love feels no burden, values no labours,
would like to do more than it can do,
without excusing itself with impossibility,
because it believes that it may and can do all things.

Love watches, and, sleeping, slumbers not
When fatigued it does not become tired;
when pressed it does not work through constraint;
when threatened it is not disturbed;
but like a lively flame and a burning torch,
it mounts upwards and securely overcomes all opposition.
Whoever loves knows well what this voice says
A loud cry in the ears of God is the ardent affection of my soul, which says
O my God, My Love,
you are all mine,
and I am all yours.
-The Imitation of Christ

Related Posts:

Favorite Quotes on Love
A Little Piece of Heaven
All the World is Meaningless Without Love