Words of Wisdom

Could You Really Be Loved at Your Very Worst?

being loved at our worstBeing Loved at Our Very Worst!

 “We want people to see us at our best, but we need them to love us at our worst because our worst is just as much a part of ourselves as our very best!”

Other People’s Expectations

There are many things that may keep us from revealing who we really are.  One of these things is other people’s expectations.  Being a famous person or a person in high position often requires us to maintain a certain reputation without which, we would lose our credibility, and even our position may be in danger.

Some of us experience this in one way or another, too.  We may hide some aspects of our personality because we are expected to behave in a certain way by the people around us.  This includes our peers, our parents, our mentors and colleagues.


Sometimes, our efforts of hiding our true selves stems from our lack of boundaries.  In our attempt to be accepted, we have learned to focus so much on pleasing other people that we have lost a sense of our true selves along the way. Healthy boundaries are what keep us from knowing who we really are and how other people see us.  When we lose these boundaries, our sense of who we are may already be dependent on how other people see us.

Black and White Thinking

“Black and white thinking” is seeing one thing as either very good or very bad, and nothing in between.  There are no gray areas here, everything is grouped into an extreme category.  When one can no longer be good, then one is classified as bad.

If we learn to apply this to our sense of self, then we’d be in trouble of always trying to keep up a perfect image less we fall into the other extreme of being evil, and with that, we could no longer accept who we are.

We have to learn that we are neither perfect nor totally corrupt.  We are stained with imperfections, yes, but we have also been originally created in the image of a good and loving God.  We have various aspects of being, we have some aspects of ourselves that we are proud of, and some that we are not so proud about, but all of these things belong to us, we are a whole person composed of diverse and sometimes seemingly contradicting components.

“The tyranny of the image of the perfect Christian leads to its own type of depression, a depression that swirls around the fear that God doesn’t love those who don’t live up to ‘my’ – not God’s – expectations. By confusing God’s expectations with our own, we are led to a sense of failure and defeatism.  We expect perfection of ourselves (‘God, I thank you that I am not greedy, dishonest, and unfaithful in marriage, like other people,’ Lk 18:11).  God instead, extends the gift of reconciliation.” – Surviving Depression


In our subconscious attempt to integrate the many conflicting parts of ourselves, we sometimes resort to self-sabotage.  Since we could no longer put up the perfect image that we want other people to see, and since this merely leaves other parts of us rejected and unloved, we resort to the other extreme.  In this mode, everything comes out in reverse.  What has been hidden for a long time suddenly comes out.  What has been feared for so long suddenly happens.

Hence, we see quiet people suddenly erupt in anger.  We see successful people suddenly throw away all they have and walk away from the limelight.  We see strong people suddenly appear weak and helpless.

The Purpose of Failure

The purpose of failure in such a case is not to remain in failure, but to re-integrate one person’s many conflicting parts into one integrated whole that will achieve true and lasting success.

The part that is angry is given a chance to heal.

The part that is fearful of other people’s expectations is given a chance to be accepted.

The part that is hurting and weak is given a chance to be loved.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.  When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”  Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.  Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared.

-John 8:6-11, NIV

What’s Left After We Fail

Once we hit rock bottom, many of our fears depart from us.  We realize that the thing we feared most has already happened, but we are still alive.  We have feared our lack of possessions, but we realize that even without such things, we are still ourselves.  We have feared our lack of power, but we realize that even without that, we have the power to do something else, something good and something beautiful.  We realize that even in our simple lives, the important things remain.

We are after all, not our jobs, nor our bank accounts, nor our titles and positions.  We are more than that.  God has meant us to be far more than that!  What’s left after our failures is our true selves, and with that, we can start the real journey towards our true passions and desires.

“The real measure of a man’s worth is how much he would be worth if he lost all his money.” – Harold J. Smith

“So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling (Bestselling Author of Harry Potter)

Being loved for our best selves is something we should rejoice at, but being loved for our very worst is a joy that reaches to the innermost parts of hearts, healing us, blessing us, and providing us with the strength we need to live a full and beautiful life.

“If you will love me I cannot promise you that I will not hurt you. I cannot promise you that I will not make you cry and that I’ll never break your heart. But if you will love me, I will bare my whole self naked before you, and I will reveal to you my soul. If you will love me, you can be certain that it is I that you will love, not a mask that fools you and gives you only what your eyes desire to see. If you will love me, you can be certain that you will love the depths of me, all of me that is in me, and I in turn will love you with all of me, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my spirit, with all my flaws and beauty, and with all my very heart.” – Will You Still Love Me Even If I’m Not Perfect?

Best Life Quotes

To Forgive is to Move Forward – Georgia Rule

to forgive is to move forwardTo Forgive is to Move Forward – Georgia Rule

Just watched a nice movie titled “Georgia Rule”.  It revolves around the lives of three women – mother, daughter, and grand daughter, who discovered how it is to forgive, to accept another’s shortcomings, and to continue to love and to fight for what is right.

Here are some of the memorable quotes from the movie:

“This is about knowing the difference between right and wrong, between the truth and a lie. He took that from you. And if you can’t tell the difference, then you can’t trust anyone. And if you can’t trust, you can’t love.” – Simon

 Dear Rachel,

My mother always told me: the hardest things to do in life are to trust, to have faith and to forgive.

So I want you to hear the strength in my voice when I say I forgive you because I love you—that simple and that complicated.

To forgive is to move forward. Georgia rule.

Related Posts:
The Path to Forgiveness is the Path to Freedom
We Have a Right to Feel Hurt and Angry
Quotes on Forgiveness

Words of Wisdom

Why Do We Give Up on a Dream?

why do we give up on a dreamWhy Do We Give Up on a Dream?

Why do we give up on a dream?  Why do we start a project with such an excitement only to end up feeling frustrated and defeated?

Starting a new dream is never easy, especially if this involves a transition into a new career or into a business venture we haven’t explored before.  But starting it is the easier part.  Persevering in that dream until it comes true is the harder part.

Below are some of the reasons I’ve noted why we give up on our dreams

1.        Lack of Resources

We may have miscalculated the cost that our dream would take, and this includes both money and the time we need to reach our goals.

We may have started out believing it would only take six months before we could start earning with our new business, but then a year passes by and we hardly breakeven.  Add to this the funds we need to continue infusing for the business as well as the cost of living we need in our day to day lives.

Before you start out with a dream, be sure to calculate the costs and make wide allowances.  If you think it would take you six months to at least breakeven, have sufficient resources for two years!

2.       Lack of Progress

It could also be that although you have allotted sufficient resources for your dream, you could see no tangible progress in reaching it as time passes by.  This in turn lowers your enthusiasm.  You start to question yourself if it is really possible to reach your dreams.

During such times, it is best to take a reality check.  Do you still honestly believe that what you are aiming at is still possible?  Or are you just becoming impatient with its attainment?  How long have you seen other people reach similar dreams?  Is it time to retreat and pack up?  Or is it merely time to make a slight detour towards a better strategy?

3.       Lack of Passion

Your passion for your dream will be tested not just a dozen times, but a hundred times!  Is this really what you want to do?  Are you in it for the money only or for a higher purpose?  Is this your real dream or just the dream of the people around you?

Many people give up on their dreams because they have come to realize that the dream they set out to accomplish is not their true dream.  It may be disheartening to know this after all the time, money and effort exerted, but it is still a blessing because now, they would know better what they really want.

There is a time to persevere and a time to give up, a time to dream and a time to move on and make better dreams!  Have the wisdom and the humility to acknowledge your stage of the journey, and pray for God’s guidance to help you see His beautiful plan for your life.

Words of Wisdom

What Pulls Us Down Are Things That Once Pulled Us Up!

What Pulls Us Down Are Things That Once Pulled Us Up!What really pulls us down are the things that once pulled us up!

It isn’t the things we haven’t had or experienced that pulls us down.  It’s the things that we once had, and the possessions we once treasured that we are burdened with.

We are burdened with the memories of the people we’ve loved and lost.

We are pulled down by the things we’ve had back in the good old days.

We are weighed down by our failures, by the things we did but did not work out the way we wanted them to.

“I’ve tried everything,” is much more painful than not being able to try anything at all.  Beneath those words is that feeling of exhaustion, and sometimes, of hopelessness, because if we have already tried everything, what else is left for us to do?

And that is why it is harder to get up after a fall than to rise up without any memory of pain.  We’re afraid to try again.  We’re afraid to have tried our very best only to know that even our best is still not enough.

A child oftentimes seem more courageous than older people because he hasn’t been hurt as much.  His hope is full of all the wonderful things he feels he can still do.  His memory is not yet burdened with failures and doubts.

But the one who is really more courageous is the person who rises up despite of his many falls.  It is being able to go on despite the hurt, and to move forward despite losing much of his hope.

When one is trapped between his approaching enemies and a dead-end leading only to a vast open sea, his hope is almost nil.  But if he could still pray and believe that even there, God can save him and make a way, he has already achieved victory and much courage.  For that man, even the seas will be parted to make way for his faith!

Fall seven times, stand up eight. – Japanese Proverb


There’d be times when you’d mess up big
times you’d fail
times you’d trip so hard
you’d get knocked down bad
Times like that you’d want to quit

There’d be times when you’d say
“Enough is enough,
I’ve really had it now,
why bother trying?”
Yeah, there’d be times you’d get so tired
but still, BEGIN AGAIN.

There’d be times you’d think
you’ve just lost everything
times you’ve risked it all
and got back nothin’
Times like that you’d feel
everything you’ve worked so hard for
were in vain, but BEGIN AGAIN.

Begin again,
try again,
believe again,
love again.

There’d be a second wind,
there’d be another star,
there’d be another hand,
to help you rise again.

Don’t start quitting,
never stop dreaming.
A new tomorrow waits
for those who dare –

Related Posts:
It Is Not Yet Too Late for You
Perseverance is Your Key to Success
Falling Apart and Rising Again


Revelations of Saint Bridget – Part 1

saint birgitta of swedenI saw a throne in heaven on which sat the Lord Jesus Christ as Judge. At his feet sat the Virgin Mary. Surrounding the throne was a host of angels and a countless multitude of saints. A certain monk, a great scholar of theology, stood high up on a rung of a ladder that was fixed in the earth and whose top reached up to heaven. With an impatient and agitated bearing, as though full of wickedness and guile, he put questions to the Judge:

First question. “O Judge, I ask you: You gave me a mouth. May I not say what I please?”

Second question. “You gave me eyes. May I not look at what I like with them?”

Third question. “You gave me ears. Why should I not listen to what I please with them?”

Fourth question. “You gave me hands. Why should I not do what I want with them?”

Fifth question. “You gave me feet. Why should I not walk where I wish with them?”

Christ’s answer to the first question. Seated on the throne, the Judge, whose bearing was meek and gentle, answered him, saying: “Friend, I gave you a mouth in order rationally to speak words beneficial to your soul and body as well as words for my glory.”

Answer to the second question. “Second, I gave you eyes that you might see the evils you must flee and the healthful things you must preserve.”

Answer to the third question. “Third, I gave you ears that you might hear that which pertains to truth and goodness.”

Answer to the fourth question. “Fourth, I gave you hands that you might use them to do that which is necessary for the body but not harmful for the soul.”

Answer to the fifth question. “Fifth, I gave you feet that you might leave behind the love of the world and go toward your soul’s rest and love and toward me, your Creator and Redeemer.”